Saline Tattoo Removal
AKA Angel Removal
Saline Tattoo Removal or Angel Removal is a safe, manual technique, designed to remove tattoo pigment from the skin; in particular, pigment from PMU treatments such as microbalding, using a simple 3 step process.
Angel Removal or Saline Tattoo Removal removes all colors and all pigments in the market.
With Angel Removal we can remove up to 99% of the pigment from the skin.
With this method we can eliminate the pigment from different levels of the skin. Angel Removal or Saline Tattoo Removal is a very safe method, however its application requires professional training.
Multiple sessions are recommended for the most effective results.
You can book a single appointment or buy a package of 5 removal sessions for $600.

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Have Questions?
What is Saline Tattoo Removal?
Saline tattoo removal is safe method to remove previous tattoos, microblading or other permanent makeup that you either want removed permanently or to re-do.
Will Saline Tattoo Removal Remove Microblading?
Yes, Saline Tattoo Removal or Angel Removal and lighten and remove unwanted permanent makeup such as microbalding.
Does Saline Tattoo Removal Cause Scarring?
Saline Tattoo Removal does not cause scarring. It is gentle on the skin while also being very effective at removing pigment from the skin
How Many Sessions Does Saline Tattoo Removal Take?
The pigment’s nature and the depth at which it is placed are key factors to determine the number of sessions that need to be performed.
If the pigment is in the Epidermis or in the first layer of the dermis, it can be removed in 1 to 3 sessions. If it is in the lower part of the dermis, it is possible to remove 99% of it, but it may require more than 8 sessions.