
Permanent Makeup Toolkit Ebook

If you are a beginner to the Permanent Makeup world, this Permanent Makeup Toolkit is just for you. It’s the place to find all of the essentials for starting out as a Permanent Makeup Artist.

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About The Book

In this guide I will share with you all the tools you need to complete Permanent Makeup procedures. I have added links to where you can buy all the exact same products I use to complete my Powder Brows and Effortless Lips Lip Blushing Procedures.

I have also included the most useful business apps I use to take photos and social media posts. These apps I use to make my photos eye catching and high quality.

What’s inside


Supply List

Lips and Brows


How To Edit Photos

Apps & Tools


Booking Apps

For Scheduling Clients


Best Tools

For Lips and Brows


Marketing Tips

Email, Website


Marketing Materials

Create images, flyers

Inside Permanent Makeup Toolkit



With over 45 supplies for working on clients we have the complete package you need to get started. A sample of our supply list includes needles, bed covers, bushes, concealer, gloves, soap, trays, pigment cups, aftercare products and so much more.

Not only do I share all the supplies I use for the procdure and aftercare products but I also share the pigments I use, the photo equipment I use, the editing apps and also all the booking and marketing platforms that I use to grow my business to over 6 figures.

About the author.

Trainer Leanne Venter

Leanne started out doing Permanent Makeup a little over 3 years ago. When she started there was limited resources available to help her business thrive. 

Through trial and error, she was able to find how to book clients, edit her photos to attract new clients, use the best tools for lips and brows, find the best pigments to achieve the best results. 

Leanne was able to grow her business to 6 figures, invest in commercial real estate and spend as much time as possible with her 2 kids. 

She created this toolkit so others can model her success and start a thriving PMU business. 

If you want to take your business to the next level take one of her training courses: Effortless Lip Blushing Training Course, Powder Brows Training Course.

Leanne Venter

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